This simulation illustrates how to model fluid flow through a U-shaped tube. The problem consists of a tube that is clamped at both ends and has a U-shaped bend in the middle, as shown in Figure E–1.
Both a rigid and a deformable tube are considered. In the pure flow analysis (corresponding to the case of a rigid tube), you can note interesting flow features such as flow separation and reattachment. Net forces on the tube due to flow can also be measured. In the fluid-structure interaction analysis, the deformation modes of the structure and its effect on the fluid flow can be analyzed.
The fluid flow is modeled in Abaqus/CFD, while the structural deformation is modeled in Abaqus/Standard. The interaction between the two is modeled using a co-simulation approach.
This tutorial includes the following sections:
“Creating the model for the fluid flow analysis,” Section E.2
“Creating a CFD analysis job for the fluid flow analysis,” Section E.3
“Creating the fluid model for the fluid-structure interaction analysis,” Section E.6
“Creating the structural model for the fluid-structure interaction analysis,” Section E.7
“Creating a co-simulation job for the fluid-structure interaction analysis,” Section E.8
“Running and monitoring the fluid-structure co-simulation analysis,” Section E.9
“Viewing the fluid-structure co-simulation analysis results,” Section E.10