To perform the fluid-structure interaction analysis, the Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/CFD jobs need to execute simultaneously. A co-simulation is performed where the two solvers exchange information at each co-simulation target time. The co-simulation target time is chosen automatically as the minimum of the time increments required by either the structural or CFD solver. To facilitate the co-simulation of the two analyses, a co-execution job procedure is used. A co-execution job creates the two analysis jobs and runs them simultaneously. It also automatically provides the command line options needed for communication between the two analysis jobs. You will now create a co-simulation job.
To create a co-simulation job:
In the Model Tree, expand the Analysis container.
Double-click Co-executions, and create a co-execution named uhose.
In the Edit Co-execution dialog box:
Select fluid as the first model. Accept the default job name.
Select solid as the second model. Accept the default job name.
Click OK.
In the Model Tree, expand the Co-executions container and then expand the uhose container. Expand the Jobs container under uhose. Two analyses jobs have been created: one representing the Abaqus/Standard model and the other representing the Abaqus/CFD model.