The ElemType object is an argument object used as an argument in the setElementType command.
import mesh
This method creates an ElemType object.
Required argument
A SymbolicConstant specifying the Abaqus element code or just the element shape. Possible values are:
C3D8R, specifying a 8-node linear brick, reduced integration with hourglass control.
CODE, specifying add more codes.
UNKNOWN_TRI, specifying an unknown element type associated with a triangular shape.
UNKNOWN_QUAD, specifying an unknown element type associated with a quadrilateral shape.
UNKNOWN_HEX, specifying an unknown element type associated with a hexahedral shape.
UNKNOWN_WEDGE, specifying an unknown element type associated with a wedge shape.
UNKNOWN_TET, specifying an unknown element type associated with a tetrahedral shape.
Optional arguments
A SymbolicConstant specifying the Abaqus element library to use. Possible values are STANDARD and EXPLICIT. The default value is STANDARD.
A Float specifying the hourglass stiffness. (For shell elements this is the membrane hourglass stiffness.) A value of zero indicates the default value should be used. The default value will be used where appropriate. The default value is 0.0.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Standard elements.
A Float specifying the bending hourglass stiffness. A value of zero indicates the default value should be used. The default value will be used where appropriate. The default value is 0.0.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Standard elements.
A Float specifying the drilling hourglass scaling factor. A value of zero indicates the default value should be used. The default value will be used where appropriate. The default value is 0.0.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Standard elements.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the kinematic split control. Possible values are AVERAGE_STRAIN, ORTHOGONAL, and CENTROID. The default value is AVERAGE_STRAIN.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Explicit elements.
A Boolean specifying whether to prevent negative element volumes or other excessive distortions in crushable materials. The default value is OFF.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Explicit elements.
A Float specifying the length ratio for distortion control in crushable materials. Possible values are 0.0
1.0. The default value is lengthRatio=
This argument is applicable only when distortionControl is ON.
A Boolean specifying the second-order accuracy option. The default value is OFF.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Explicit elements.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the hourglass control. Possible values are RELAX_STIFFNESS, STIFFNESS, VISCOUS, ENHANCED, and COMBINED. The default value is ENHANCED.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Explicit elements.
A Float specifying a weight factor when hourglassControl=COMBINED. The default value is 0.5.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Explicit elements.
A Float specifying the displacement hourglass scaling factor. The default value will be used where appropriate. The default value is 1.0.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Explicit elements.
A Float specifying the rotational hourglass scaling factor. The default value will be used where appropriate. The default value is 1.0.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Explicit elements.
A Float specifying the out-of-plane displacement hourglass scaling factor. The default value will be used where appropriate. The default value is 1.0.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Explicit elements.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the element deletion option. Possible values are DEFAULT, ON, and OFF. The default value is DEFAULT.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the particle conversion option for smoothed particle hydrodynamics. When not OFF or DEFAULT this argument refers to the criterion used for conversion of elements to particles. Possible values are DEFAULT, OFF, TIME, STRAIN, and STRESS. The default value is DEFAULT.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Explicit elements.
A Float specifying the threshold value for the particle conversion criterion specified by particleConversion. The default value is 0.0.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Explicit elements.
An Int specifying the number of particles per direction for element conversion when particleConversion is specified. The default value is 1.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Explicit elements.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the interpolation function for particle conversion when particleConversion is specified. Possible values are CUBIC, QUADRATIC, and QUINTIC. The default value is CUBIC.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Explicit elements.
A Float specifying the maximum degradation option for damage control. The default value is –1.0.
A Float specifying the viscosity option. The default value is 0.0.
This argument is applicable only to some Abaqus/Standard elements.
A Float specifying the linear bulk viscosity scaling factor option for Abaqus/Explicit. The default value is 1.0.
A Float specifying the quadratic bulk viscosity scaling factor option for Abaqus/Explicit. The default value is 1.0.
Return value
An ElemType object.
The ElemType object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the ElemType method.