1.1 The Abaqus products

Abaqus consists of three main analysis products—Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, and Abaqus/CFD. Several add-on analysis options are available to further extend the capabilities of Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. The Abaqus/Aqua option works with Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. The Abaqus/Design and Abaqus/AMS options work with Abaqus/Standard. Abaqus/Foundation is an optional subset of Abaqus/Standard. Abaqus/CAE is the complete Abaqus environment that includes capabilities for creating Abaqus models, interactively submitting and monitoring Abaqus jobs, and evaluating results. Abaqus/Viewer is a subset of Abaqus/CAE that includes just the postprocessing functionality. Abaqus also provides translators that convert geometry from third-party CAD systems to models for Abaqus/CAE, convert entities from third-party preprocessors to input for Abaqus analyses, and that convert output from Abaqus analyses to entities for third-party postprocessors. The relationship between these products is shown in Figure 1–1.

Figure 1–1 Abaqus products.


Abaqus/Standard is a general-purpose analysis product that can solve a wide range of linear and nonlinear problems involving the static, dynamic, thermal, electrical, and electromagnetic response of components. This product is discussed in detail in this guide. Abaqus/Standard solves a system of equations implicitly at each solution “increment.” In contrast, Abaqus/Explicit marches a solution forward through time in small time increments without solving a coupled system of equations at each increment (or even forming a global stiffness matrix).


Abaqus/Explicit is a special-purpose analysis product that uses an explicit dynamic finite element formulation. It is suitable for modeling brief, transient dynamic events, such as impact and blast problems, and is also very efficient for highly nonlinear problems involving changing contact conditions, such as forming simulations. Abaqus/Explicit is discussed in detail in this guide.


Abaqus/CFD is a computational fluid dynamics analysis product. It can solve a broad class of incompressible flow problems including laminar and turbulent flow, thermal convective flow, and deforming mesh problems. Abaqus/CFD is discussed in this guide.


Abaqus/CAE (Complete Abaqus Environment) is an interactive, graphical environment for Abaqus. It allows models to be created quickly and easily by producing or importing the geometry of the structure to be analyzed and decomposing the geometry into meshable regions. Physical and material properties can be assigned to the geometry, together with loads and boundary conditions. Abaqus/CAE contains very powerful options to mesh the geometry and to verify the resulting analysis model. Once the model is complete, Abaqus/CAE can submit, monitor, and control the analysis jobs. The Visualization module can then be used to interpret the results. Abaqus/CAE is discussed in this guide.


Abaqus/Viewer is a subset of Abaqus/CAE that contains only the postprocessing capabilities of the Visualization module. The discussions of the Visualization module in this guide apply equally to Abaqus/Viewer.


Abaqus/Aqua is a set of optional capabilities that can be added to Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. It is intended for the simulation of offshore structures, such as oil platforms. Some of the optional capabilities include the effects of wave and wind loading and buoyancy. Abaqus/Aqua is not discussed in this guide.


Abaqus/Design is a set of optional capabilities that can be added to Abaqus/Standard to perform design sensitivity calculations. Abaqus/Design is not discussed in this guide.


Abaqus/AMS is an optional capability that can be added to Abaqus/Standard. It uses the automatic multi-level substructuring (AMS) eigensolver during a natural frequency extraction. Abaqus/AMS is not discussed in this guide.


Abaqus/Foundation offers more efficient access to the linear static and dynamic analysis functionality in Abaqus/Standard. Abaqus/Foundation is not discussed in this guide.

Geometry translators

Abaqus provides the following translators for converting geometry from third-party CAD systems to parts and assemblies for Abaqus/CAE:

  • The SIMULIA Associative Interface for Abaqus/CAE creates a link between CATIA V6 and Abaqus/CAE that allows you to transfer model data and propagate design changes from CATIA V6 to Abaqus/CAE.

  • The CATIA V5 Associative Interface creates a link between CATIA V5 and Abaqus/CAE that allows you to transfer model data and propagate design changes from CATIA V5 to Abaqus/CAE.

  • The SolidWorks Associative Interface creates a link between SOLIDWORKS and Abaqus/CAE that allows you to transfer model data and propagate design changes from SOLIDWORKS to Abaqus/CAE.

  • The Pro/ENGINEER Associative Interface creates a link between Pro/ENGINEER and Abaqus/CAE that allows you to transfer model data and propagate design changes between Pro/ENGINEER and Abaqus/CAE.

  • The Geometry Translator for CATIA V4 allows you to import the geometry of CATIA V4-format parts and assemblies directly into Abaqus/CAE.

  • The Geometry Translator for Parasolid allows you to import the geometry of Parasolid-format parts and assemblies directly into Abaqus/CAE.

In addition, the Abaqus/CAE Associative Interface for NX creates a link between NX and Abaqus/CAE that allows you to transfer model data and propagate design changes between NX and Abaqus/CAE. The Abaqus/CAE Associative Interface for NX can be purchased and downloaded from Elysium Inc. (www.elysiuminc.com).

The geometry translators are not discussed in this guide.

Translator utilities

Abaqus provides the following translators for converting entities from third-party preprocessors to input for Abaqus analyses or for converting output from Abaqus analyses to entities for third-party postprocessors:

  • abaqus fromansys translates an ANSYS input file to an Abaqus input file.

  • abaqus fromdyna translates an LS-DYNA keyword file to an Abaqus input file.

  • abaqus fromnastran translates a Nastran bulk data file to an Abaqus input file.

  • abaqus frompamcrash translates a PAM-CRASH input file into an Abaqus input file.

  • abaqus fromradioss translates a RADIOSS input file into an Abaqus input file.

  • abaqus adams translates the results in an Abaqus SIM database file into an MSC.ADAMS modal neutral (.mnf) file, the format required by ADAMS/Flex.

  • abaqus moldflow translates finite element model information from a Moldflow analysis into a partial Abaqus input file.

  • abaqus toexcite translates data in an Abaqus substructure SIM database to an EXCITE flexible body interface (.exb) file.

  • abaqus tonastran translates an Abaqus input file to Nastran bulk data file format.

  • abaqus toOutput2 translates an Abaqus output database file to the Nastran Output2 file format.

  • abaqus tosimpack translates data in an Abaqus substructure SIM database to a SIMPACK flexible body interface (.fbi) file.

  • abaqus tozaero enables the exchange of aeroelastic data between Abaqus and ZAERO.

The translator utilities are not discussed in this guide.