The ConstrainedSketcherOptions object is used to store values and attributes which will be applied to all sketches used in the current session. The ConstrainedSketcherOptions object has no constructor.
import sketch session.sketcherOptions
This method modifies the ConstrainedSketchOptions object.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
A Boolean specifying whether construction geometry is shown. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether the cursor snaps to the grid. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether geometry will be preselected. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying if implied constraints are added during sketching. The default value is ON.
An Int specifying the maximum number of coplanar entities which should be automatically projected from the background, when a sketch based feature is created or edited. When this value is exceeded no entities are automatically projected and a warning issued. Possible values are maxCoplanarEntities
0. The default value is 300.
A Float specifying the angular tolerance in degrees which is used to determine parallel and tangential conditions during the auto-constrain operation. For example any two lines which have an angle smaller than the given autoConstrainAngularTolerance will be assumed to be parallel, and a parallel constrain may be added during the auto-constrain operation. The default value is 0.01.
A Float specifying the linear tolerance which is used to determine when two points or geometries are coincident during the auto-constrain operation. The default value is 10–6.
A sequence of SymbolicConstants specifying which type of constraints may be added by the auto-constraint tool. Possible values are PARALLEL, PERPENDICULAR, IDENTICAL, TANGENT, CONCENTRIC, and EQUALRADIUS. The default value is (PARALLEL,, PERPENDICULAR,, IDENTICAL,, TANGENT,, CONCENTRIC,, EQUALRADIUS).
A SymbolicConstant specifying the constraint solving mode used by the sketcher during drag operation. Possible values are MINIMUM_MOVE, STANDARD, WEIGHTED, and RELAXATION. The default value is MINIMUM_MOVE.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the constraint solving mode used by the sketcher during regular sketch editing and adding new constraints and dimensions. Possible values are MINIMUM_MOVE, STANDARD, WEIGHTED, and RELAXATION. The default value is STANDARD.
Return value
The ConstrainedSketcherOptions object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the setValues method.