The CompositePly object defines the material layers in a composite layup.
import section mdb.models[name].parts[name].compositeLayups[i].plies[i]
This method creates a CompositePly object.
Required arguments
A Float specifying the thickness of the section layer.
A Region object specifying the region to which the composite ply applies.
A String specifying the name of the material for the ply.
A String specifying the ply identifier for this section layer. The default value is an empty string.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the method used to define the relative orientation. If orientationType=SPECIFY_ORIENT the orientationValue argument is required. If orientationType=CSYS the orientation argument is required. Possible values are CSYS, SPECIFY_ORIENT, ANGLE_0, ANGLE_45, ANGLE_90, and ANGLE_NEG45. The default value is ANGLE_0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the method used to define the thickness. If thicknessType=SPECIFY_THICKNESS, the thickness argument is required. Possible values are SPECIFY_THICKNESS and FIELD_THICKNESS. The default value is SPECIFY_THICKNESS.
Optional arguments
A Float specifying the relative orientation of the section layer. The default value is 0.0.
A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object used to define the thickness of the shell elements. The thicknessField argument applies only when thicknessType=ANALYTICAL_FIELD or thicknessType=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
An Int specifying the number of integration points to be used through the section layer. This argument is valid only if preIntegrate=OFF. The default value is 3.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of a cylindrical or spherical datum coordinate system about which an additional rotation is applied. For shells this axis is also the shell normal. The axis argument applies only if a valid reference is provided for the orientation. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3. The default value is AXIS_1.
A Float specifying the angle of the additional rotation. The angle argument applies only if a valid reference is provided for the orientation. The default value is 0.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the method used to describe the additional rotation when a valid orientation is specified. Use orientationType=ANGLE_0 and additionalRotationType=ROTATION_FIELD to specify a discrete field of rotations for this CompositePly. Possible values are ROTATION_NONE, ROTATION_ANGLE, and ROTATION_FIELD. The default value is ROTATION_NONE.
The SymbolicConstant None or a DatumCsys object specifying a coordinate system reference for the relative orientation of this layer. The default value is None.
A String specifying the name of the field specifying the additional rotation. The default value is an empty string.
Return value
A CompositePly object.
The CompositePly object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the CompositePly method.