The ContourOptions object stores values and attributes associated with a contour plot. The ContourOptions object has no constructor command. Abaqus creates a defaultOdbDisplay.contourOptions member when you import the Visualization module. Abaqus creates a contourOptions member when it creates the OdbDisplay object, using the values from defaultOdbDisplay.contourOptions. Abaqus creates the odbDisplay member when a viewport is created, using the values from defaultOdbDisplay.
ContourOptions objects are accessed in one of two ways:
The default contour options. These settings are used as defaults when other contourOptions members are created. These settings can be set to customize user preferences.
The contour options associated with a particular viewport.
The ContourOptions object is derived from the DGContourOptions object.
import visualization session.defaultOdbDisplay.contourOptions session.viewports[name].assemblyDisplay.displayGroupInstances[name]\ .odbDisplayOptions.contourOptions session.viewports[name].layers[name].assemblyDisplay\ .displayGroupInstances[name].odbDisplayOptions.contourOptions session.viewports[name].layers[name].odbDisplay.contourOptions session.viewports[name].layers[name].odbDisplay\ .displayGroupInstances[name].odbDisplayOptions.contourOptions session.viewports[name].layers[name].partDisplay\ .displayGroupInstances[name].odbDisplayOptions.contourOptions session.viewports[name].odbDisplay.contourOptions session.viewports[name].odbDisplay.displayGroupInstances[name]\ .odbDisplayOptions.contourOptions session.viewports[name].partDisplay.displayGroupInstances[name]\ .odbDisplayOptions.contourOptions
This method modifies the ContourOptions object.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
A ContourOptions object from which values are to be copied. If other arguments are also supplied to setValues, they will override the values in options. The default value is None.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the contour type. Possible values are LINE, BANDED, QUILT, and ISOSURFACE. The default value is BANDED.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the contour rendering method. Possible values are TEXTURE_MAPPED and TESSELLATED. The default value is TEXTURE_MAPPED.
A Boolean specifying whether tick mark plots should be displayed on line-type elements. If tickmarkPlots=ON, Abaqus displays a tick mark plot. If tickmarkPlots=OFF, Abaqus displays contours on the element faces. The default value is OFF.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the interval style of the contour plot. Possible values are CONTINUOUS and UNIFORM. The default value is UNIFORM.
An Int specifying the number of intervals when contourStyle=UNIFORM. Possible values are 2
24. The default value is 12.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the interval type of the contour plot. Possible values are UNIFORM, LOG, and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
A sequence of Floats specifying the interval values when intervalType=USER_DEFINED.
A Boolean specifying whether the contour range maximum value should be computed from the output data to be contoured. The default value is ON.
A Float specifying the contour range maximum value to be used in the plot when maxAutoCompute=ON. The default value is autoMaxValue.
A Boolean specifying whether the contour range minimum value should be computed from the output data to be contoured. The default value is ON.
A Float specifying the contour range minimum value to be used in the plot when minAutoCompute=ON. The default value is autoMinValue.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the method to be used when contour limits are automatically computed for animation. animationAutoLimits will only effect the minimum limit and/or maximum limit when minAutoCompute and/or maxAutoCompute=True. Possible values are FIRST_AND_LAST, CURRENT_FRAME, RECOMPUTE_EACH_FRAME, and ALL_FRAMES. The default value is ALL_FRAMES.
A String specifying the edge color to be used when contourType=LINE. The default value is "White".
A String specifying the edge color to be used when contourType=BANDED or QUILT. The default value is "Black".
A String specifying the name of the color spectrum to be used in the contour plot. The default value is "Rainbow".
A SymbolicConstant specifying the color of contour values that exceed the limits of the plot. Possible values are SPECTRUM and SPECIFY.
When outsideLimitsMode=SPECTRUM, the maximum and minimum contour spectrum colors are used for values that exceed the limits of the plot. When outsideLimitsMode=SPECIFY, the values of outsideLimitsAboveColor and outsideLimitsBelowColor are used for values that exceed the limits of the plot.
A String specifying the color to be used for values that exceed the limits of the plot when outsideLimitsMode=SPECIFY. The default value is "Grey80".
A String specifying the color to be used for values that exceed the limits of the plot when outsideLimitsMode=SPECIFY. The default value is "Grey20".
A sequence of sequences of SymbolicConstants specifying the line style and line thickness for each interval in the plot when contourType=LINE. The size of the outer sequence must be equal to numIntervals-1. The inner sequence consists of two SymbolicConstants specifying the line style and line thickness. For possible values, refer to the edgeLineStyle and edgeLineThickness members of the DGCommonOptions object. The default is ((SOLID, VERY_THIN), ).
A Boolean specifying whether to plot the edges of each contour interval when contourType=BANDED or ISOSURFACE. The default value is OFF.
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the contour edges when contourType=BANDED or ISOSURFACE. The default value is "Grey60".
A SymbolicConstant specifying the edge line style to be used to plot the contour edges when contourType=BANDED or ISOSURFACE. Possible values are SOLID, DASHED, DOTTED, and DOT_DASH. The default value is SOLID.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the edge line thickness to be used to plot the edge of the contour intervals when contourType=BANDED or ISOSURFACE. Possible values are VERY_THIN, THIN, MEDIUM, and THICK. The default value is VERY_THIN.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the length of the tick mark plot axes. Possible values are SHORT, MEDIUM, and LONG. The default value is MEDIUM.
A Float specifying the base contour value defining the tick mark axis contour value that intersects the elements. Possible values are autoMinValue
autoMaxValue. The default value is 0.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the orientation of the tick mark plots. Possible values are N1 and N2. The default value is N2.
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the tick mark curve. The default value is "Cyan".
A Boolean specifying the display of the nodal averaged coordinate systems used when averaging element vector or tensor data. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to auto-compute contour limits using extrapolated values alone or extrapolated values that are averaged. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display location of maximum value. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display location of minimum value. The default value is OFF.
Return value
The ContourOptions object can have the following members:
A SymbolicConstant specifying the contour type. Possible values are LINE, BANDED, QUILT, and ISOSURFACE. The default value is BANDED.
An Int specifying the number of intervals when contourStyle=UNIFORM. Possible values are 2
24. The default value is 12.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the interval type of the contour plot. Possible values are UNIFORM, LOG, and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
A Boolean specifying whether the contour range maximum value should be computed from the output data to be contoured. The default value is ON.
A Float specifying the contour range maximum value to be used in the plot when maxAutoCompute=ON. The default value is autoMaxValue.
A Boolean specifying whether the contour range minimum value should be computed from the output data to be contoured. The default value is ON.
A Float specifying the contour range minimum value to be used in the plot when minAutoCompute=ON. The default value is autoMinValue.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the method to be used when contour limits are automatically computed for animation. animationAutoLimits will only effect the minimum limit and/or maximum limit when minAutoCompute and/or maxAutoCompute=True. Possible values are FIRST_AND_LAST, CURRENT_FRAME, RECOMPUTE_EACH_FRAME, and ALL_FRAMES. The default value is ALL_FRAMES.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the color of contour values that exceed the limits of the plot. Possible values are SPECTRUM and SPECIFY.
When outsideLimitsMode=SPECTRUM, the maximum and minimum contour spectrum colors are used for values that exceed the limits of the plot. When outsideLimitsMode=SPECIFY, the values of outsideLimitsAboveColor and outsideLimitsBelowColor are used for values that exceed the limits of the plot.
A Boolean specifying whether to auto-compute contour limits using extrapolated values alone or extrapolated values that are averaged. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display location of maximum value. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display location of minimum value. The default value is OFF.
A Float specifying the maximum value to be used in the plot. The value is computed from the output data to be contoured. This value is read-only.
A Float specifying the minimum value to be used in the plot. The value is computed from the output data to be contoured. This value is read-only.
A String specifying the color to be used for values that exceed the limits of the plot when outsideLimitsMode=SPECIFY. The default value is "Grey80".
A String specifying the color to be used for values that exceed the limits of the plot when outsideLimitsMode=SPECIFY. The default value is "Grey20".
A String specifying the name of the color spectrum to be used in the contour plot. The default value is "Rainbow".
A tuple of Floats specifying the interval values when intervalType=USER_DEFINED.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the contour rendering method. Possible values are TEXTURE_MAPPED and TESSELLATED. The default value is TEXTURE_MAPPED.
A Boolean specifying whether tick mark plots should be displayed on line-type elements. If tickmarkPlots=ON, Abaqus displays a tick mark plot. If tickmarkPlots=OFF, Abaqus displays contours on the element faces. The default value is OFF.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the interval style of the contour plot. Possible values are CONTINUOUS and UNIFORM. The default value is UNIFORM.
A Boolean specifying whether to plot the edges of each contour interval when contourType=BANDED or ISOSURFACE. The default value is OFF.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the edge line style to be used to plot the contour edges when contourType=BANDED or ISOSURFACE. Possible values are SOLID, DASHED, DOTTED, and DOT_DASH. The default value is SOLID.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the edge line thickness to be used to plot the edge of the contour intervals when contourType=BANDED or ISOSURFACE. Possible values are VERY_THIN, THIN, MEDIUM, and THICK. The default value is VERY_THIN.
A Boolean specifying the display of the nodal averaged coordinate systems used when averaging element vector or tensor data. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether the label for the matching ply shows up in the viewport. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether the contour color is driven by the matching ply. The default value is OFF.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the length of the tick mark plot axes. Possible values are SHORT, MEDIUM, and LONG. The default value is MEDIUM.
A Float specifying the base contour value defining the tick mark axis contour value that intersects the elements. Possible values are autoMinValue
autoMaxValue. The default value is 0.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the orientation of the tick mark plots. Possible values are N1 and N2. The default value is N2.
A String specifying the edge color to be used when contourType=LINE. The default value is "White".
A String specifying the edge color to be used when contourType=BANDED or QUILT. The default value is "Black".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the contour edges when contourType=BANDED or ISOSURFACE. The default value is "Grey60".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the tick mark curve. The default value is "Cyan".
A tuple of tuples of SymbolicConstants specifying the line style and line thickness for each interval in the plot when contourType=LINE. The size of the outer sequence must be equal to numIntervals-1. The inner sequence consists of two SymbolicConstants specifying the line style and line thickness. For possible values, refer to the edgeLineStyle and edgeLineThickness members of the DGCommonOptions object. The default is ((SOLID, VERY_THIN), ).