The CommonOptions object stores values and attributes that are common to all plot states. The CommonOptions object has no constructor command. Abaqus creates a defaultOdbDisplay.commonOptions member when you import the Visualization module. Abaqus creates a commonOptions member when it creates the OdbDisplay object, using the values from defaultOdbDisplay.commonOptions. Abaqus creates the odbDisplay member when a viewport is created, using the values from defaultOdbDisplay.
CommonOptions objects are accessed in one of two ways:
The default common options. These settings are used as defaults when other commonOptions members are created. These settings can be set to customize user preferences.
The common options associated with a particular viewport.
The CommonOptions object is derived from the DGCommonOptions object.
import visualization session.defaultOdbDisplay.commonOptions session.viewports[name].assemblyDisplay.displayGroupInstances[name]\ .odbDisplayOptions.commonOptions session.viewports[name].layers[name].assemblyDisplay\ .displayGroupInstances[name].odbDisplayOptions.commonOptions session.viewports[name].layers[name].odbDisplay.commonOptions session.viewports[name].layers[name].odbDisplay\ .displayGroupInstances[name].odbDisplayOptions.commonOptions session.viewports[name].layers[name].partDisplay\ .displayGroupInstances[name].odbDisplayOptions.commonOptions session.viewports[name].odbDisplay.commonOptions session.viewports[name].odbDisplay.displayGroupInstances[name]\ .odbDisplayOptions.commonOptions session.viewports[name].partDisplay.displayGroupInstances[name]\ .odbDisplayOptions.commonOptions
This method modifies the CommonOptions object.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
A CommonOptions object from which values are to be copied. If other arguments are also supplied to setValues, they will override the values in options. The default value is None.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the render style of the plot. Possible values are WIREFRAME, FILLED, HIDDEN, and SHADED. The default value is SHADED.
A SymbolicConstant specifying which edges to plot. Possible values are ALL, EXTERIOR, FEATURE, FREE, and NONE. The default value is EXTERIOR.
NONE can be used only when renderStyle=SHADED.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the deformation scale factor mode. Possible values are AUTO, UNIFORM, and NONUNIFORM. The default value is AUTO.
A Float specifying the uniform deformation scaling constant when deformationScaling=UNIFORM. The default value is autoDeformationScaleValue.
A sequence of three Floats specifying the deformation scaling in each of the three coordinate directions when deformationScaling=NONUNIFORM. The default value is (autoDeformationScaleValue, autoDeformationScaleValue, autoDeformationScaleValue).
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the edges of the model when renderStyle=WIREFRAME or HIDDEN. The default value is "White".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the edges of the model when renderStyle=FILLED or SHADED. The default value is "Black".
A SymbolicConstant specifying the edge line style. Possible values are SOLID, DASHED, DOTTED, and DOT_DASH. The default value is SOLID.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the edge line thickness. Possible values are VERY_THIN, THIN, MEDIUM, and THICK. The default value is VERY_THIN.
A String specifying the color to be used to fill elements when renderStyle=FILLED or SHADED. The default value is "White".
A Boolean specifying whether to allow color coded items in the output database to override the edge and fill color settings. The default value is ON.
A String specifying the label font to be used for all model labels. The default value is "-*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-m-*-*-*".
A Boolean specifying whether to plot the element labels. The default value is OFF.
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the element labels. The default value is "Cyan".
A Boolean specifying whether to plot the face labels. The default value is OFF.
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the face labels. The default value is "Red".
A Boolean specifying whether to plot the node labels. The default value is OFF.
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the node labels. The default value is "Yellow".
A Boolean specifying whether to plot the node symbols. The default value is OFF.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the node symbol types. Possible values are:
The default value is HOLLOW_CIRCLE.
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the node symbols. The default value is "Yellow".
A SymbolicConstant specifying the node symbol size. Possible values are SMALL, MEDIUM, and LARGE. The default value is SMALL.
A Boolean specifying whether elements are displayed in a shrunk format. The default value is OFF.
An Int specifying the percentage to shrink the elements when elementShrink=ON. Possible values are 0
90. The default value is 5.
A Boolean specifying whether to scale coordinates. The default value is OFF.
A sequence of three Floats specifying the coordinate scaling in each of the three coordinate directions when coordinateScale=ON. The default value is (1, 1, 1).
A Boolean specifying whether to draw arrows that indicate the directions of element and surface normals. The default value is OFF.
A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to draw element normals or surface normals. Possible values are ELEMENT and SURFACE. The default value is ELEMENT.
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the normal to a nonbeam element or to a surface. The default value is "Red".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot an arrow along the beam
-direction. The default value is "Blue".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot an arrow along the beam
-direction. The default value is "Red".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot an arrow along the tangent to a beam. The default value is "White".
A SymbolicConstant specifying the length of the normal arrows. Possible values are SHORT, MEDIUM, and LONG. The default value is MEDIUM.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the thickness of the normal arrows. Possible values are VERY_THIN, THIN, MEDIUM, and THICK. The default value is VERY_THIN.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the arrowhead style of the normal arrows. Possible values are NONE, FILLED, and WIRE. The default value is WIRE.
A Boolean specifying whether to set translucency. The default value is OFF.
A Float specifying the translucency factor when translucency=ON. Possible values are 0.0
1.0. The default value is 0.3.
Return value
The CommonOptions object can have the following members:
A SymbolicConstant specifying the deformation scale factor mode. Possible values are AUTO, UNIFORM, and NONUNIFORM. The default value is AUTO.
A Float specifying the uniform deformation scaling constant when deformationScaling=UNIFORM. The default value is autoDeformationScaleValue.
A Float specifying the deformation scale factor value when deformationScaling=AUTO. This value is read-only.
A tuple of three Floats specifying the deformation scaling in each of the three coordinate directions when deformationScaling=NONUNIFORM. The default value is (autoDeformationScaleValue, autoDeformationScaleValue, autoDeformationScaleValue).
A SymbolicConstant specifying the render style of the plot. Possible values are WIREFRAME, FILLED, HIDDEN, and SHADED. The default value is SHADED.
A SymbolicConstant specifying which edges to plot. Possible values are ALL, EXTERIOR, FEATURE, FREE, and NONE. The default value is EXTERIOR.
NONE can be used only when renderStyle=SHADED.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the edge line style. Possible values are SOLID, DASHED, DOTTED, and DOT_DASH. The default value is SOLID.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the edge line thickness. Possible values are VERY_THIN, THIN, MEDIUM, and THICK. The default value is VERY_THIN.
A Boolean specifying whether to allow color coded items in the output database to override the edge and fill color settings. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to plot the element labels. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to plot the face labels. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to plot the node labels. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to plot the node symbols. The default value is OFF.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the node symbol types. Possible values are:
The default value is HOLLOW_CIRCLE.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the node symbol size. Possible values are SMALL, MEDIUM, and LARGE. The default value is SMALL.
A Boolean specifying whether elements are displayed in a shrunk format. The default value is OFF.
An Int specifying the percentage to shrink the elements when elementShrink=ON. Possible values are 0
90. The default value is 5.
A Boolean specifying whether to scale coordinates. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to draw arrows that indicate the directions of element and surface normals. The default value is OFF.
A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to draw element normals or surface normals. Possible values are ELEMENT and SURFACE. The default value is ELEMENT.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the length of the normal arrows. Possible values are SHORT, MEDIUM, and LONG. The default value is MEDIUM.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the thickness of the normal arrows. Possible values are VERY_THIN, THIN, MEDIUM, and THICK. The default value is VERY_THIN.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the arrowhead style of the normal arrows. Possible values are NONE, FILLED, and WIRE. The default value is WIRE.
A Boolean specifying whether to set translucency. The default value is OFF.
A Float specifying the translucency factor when translucency=ON. Possible values are 0.0
1.0. The default value is 0.3.
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the edges of the model when renderStyle=WIREFRAME or HIDDEN. The default value is "White".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the edges of the model when renderStyle=FILLED or SHADED. The default value is "Black".
A String specifying the color to be used to fill elements when renderStyle=FILLED or SHADED. The default value is "White".
A String specifying the label font to be used for all model labels. The default value is "-*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-m-*-*-*".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the element labels. The default value is "Cyan".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the face labels. The default value is "Red".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the node labels. The default value is "Yellow".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the node symbols. The default value is "Yellow".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot the normal to a nonbeam element or to a surface. The default value is "Red".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot an arrow along the beam
-direction. The default value is "Blue".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot an arrow along the beam
-direction. The default value is "Red".
A String specifying the color to be used to plot an arrow along the tangent to a beam. The default value is "White".
A tuple of three Floats specifying the coordinate scaling in each of the three coordinate directions when coordinateScale=ON. The default value is (1, 1, 1).