The EosCompaction object specifies material eos compaction.
import material mdb.models[name].materials[name].eos.eosCompaction import odbMaterial session.odbs[name].materials[name].eos.eosCompaction
This method creates an EosCompaction object.
mdb.models[name].materials[name].eos.EosCompaction session.odbs[name].materials[name].eos.EosCompaction
Required arguments
A Float specifying reference sound speed in the porous material.
A Float specifying value of the porosity of the unloaded material.
A Float specifying pressure required to initialize plastic behavior.
A Float specifying compaction pressure at which all pores are crushed.
Optional arguments
Return value
An EosCompaction object.
This method modifies the EosCompaction object.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
The optional arguments to setValues are the same as the arguments to the EosCompaction method.
Return value
The EosCompaction object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the EosCompaction method.