The NormalBehavior object specifies normal behavior for a contact interaction property.
import interaction mdb.models[name].interactionProperties[name].normalBehavior
This method creates a NormalBehavior object.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
The SymbolicConstant DEFAULT or a Float specifying the contact stiffness. This argument is valid for pressureOverclosure=LINEAR. This argument is also valid for pressureOverclosure=HARD when constraintEnforcementMethod=AUGMENTED_LAGRANGE or PENALTY. A value of DEFAULT is valid only when the later conditions are met. A value of zero is equivalent to specifying DEFAULT. The default value is DEFAULT.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the pressure-overclosure relationship to be used. Possible values are HARD, EXPONENTIAL, LINEAR, TABULAR, and SCALE_FACTOR. The default value is HARD.
A Boolean specifying whether to allow separation after contact. The default value is ON.
None or a Float specifying the maximum stiffness. If maxStiffness=None, there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the normal behavior properties. This argument is valid only for pressureOverclosure=EXPONENTIAL or TABULAR. The items in the table data are described below.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the method for enforcement of the contact constraint. Possible values are DEFAULT, AUGMENTED_LAGRANGE, PENALTY, and DIRECT. The default value is DEFAULT.
A Float specifying the overclosure measure (used to delineate the segments of the pressure-overclosure curve) as a percentage of the minimum element size in the contact region. The default value is 0.0.
A Float specifying the overclosure measure (used to delineate the segments of the pressure-overclosure curve) directly. The default value is 0.0.
A Float specifying scale factor for the penalty stiffness or the geometric scaling of the "base" stiffness. The default value is 1.0.
A Float specifying an additional scale factor for the "base" default contact stiffness. The default value is 1.0.
A Float specifying the clearance at which the contact pressure is zero. The default value is 0.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of penalty stiffness to be defined. This argument is valid only when constraintEnforcementMethod=PENALTY. Possible values are LINEAR and NONLINEAR. The default value is LINEAR.
A Float specifying the ratio of the initial stiffness divided by the final stiffness. This argument is valid only when stiffnessBehavior=NONLINEAR. Possible values are 0
1. The default value is 0.01.
A Float specifying the ratio of the overclosure at the maximum stiffness divided by the characteristic facet length. This argument is valid only when stiffnessBehavior=NONLINEAR. The default value is 0.03.
A Float specifying the ratio of the overclosure at the initial stiffness divided by the overclosure at the maximum stiffness, both relative to the clearance at which the contact pressure is zero. This argument is valid only when stiffnessBehavior=NONLINEAR. Possible values are 0
1. The default value is 0.33333.
Table data
If pressureOverclosure=EXPONENTIAL, the table data specify the following:
Pressure at zero clearance, .
Clearance at which the contact pressure is zero, .
Return value
A NormalBehavior object.
This method modifies the NormalBehavior object.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
The optional arguments to setValues are the same as the arguments to the NormalBehavior method.
Return value
The NormalBehavior object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the NormalBehavior method.