The ActuatorSensorProp object is an interaction property that defines the properties referred to by an ActuatorSensor object.
The ActuatorSensorProp object is derived from the InteractionProperty object.
import interaction mdb.models[name].interactionProperties[name]
This method creates an ActuatorSensorProp object.
Required argument
A String specifying the interaction property repository key.
Optional arguments
A sequence of Floats specifying the PROPS array used by user subroutine UEL. The default value is an empty sequence.
A sequence of Ints specifying the JPROPS array used by user subroutine UEL. The default value is an empty sequence.
Return value
An ActuatorSensorProp object.
This method modifies the ActuatorSensorProp object.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
The optional arguments to setValues are the same as the arguments to the ActuatorSensorProp method, except for the name argument.
Return value
The ActuatorSensorProp object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the ActuatorSensorProp method.