The ConnectorPotential object is used to define a restricted set of mathematical functions to represent yield or limiting surfaces in the space spanned by connector available components. It can be used only in conjunction with ConnectorDamage, ConnectorFriction, and ConnectorPlasticity objects. Because the ConnectorDamage object contains two separate ConnectorPotential repositories (one for damage initiation and one for damage evolution), there are two ConnectorPotential constructors associated with that behavior—IniPotential and EvoPotential.
import section mdb.models[name].sections[name].behaviorOptions[i]\ .connectorPotentials[i] mdb.models[name].sections[name].behaviorOptions[i]\ .evolutionPotentials[i] mdb.models[name].sections[name].behaviorOptions[i]\ .initiationPotentials[i] import odbSection session.odbs[name].sections[name].behaviorOptions[i]\ .connectorPotentials[i] session.odbs[name].sections[name].behaviorOptions[i]\ .evolutionPotentials[i] session.odbs[name].sections[name].behaviorOptions[i]\ .initiationPotentials[i]
This method creates a connector potential object to be used in conjunction with an allowable connector behavior option.
mdb.models[name].sections[name].behaviorOptions[i].ConnectorPotential session.odbs[name].sections[name].behaviorOptions[i]\ .ConnectorPotential
Required arguments
Optional arguments
A SymbolicConstant specifying whether a component number or the name of the DerivedComponent object will be used in the contribution. Possible values are COMPONENT_NUMBER and DERIVED_COMPONENT. The default value is COMPONENT_NUMBER.
An Int specifying the component number used in the contribution. This argument is applicable only if componentStyle=COMPONENT_NUMBER. Possible values are 1
6. Only available components can be specified. The default value is 0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the sign of the contribution. Possible values are POSITIVE and NEGATIVE. The default value is POSITIVE.
A Float specifying the scaling factor for the contribution. The default value is 1.0.
A Float specifying the positive exponent for the contribution. The default value is 2.0.
This argument is ignored if the potential operator of the invoking behavior option is set to MAXIMUM.
A Float specifying the shift factor for the contribution. The default value is 0.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the H function of the contribution: either absolute value, Macauley bracket, or the identity function. Possible values are ABS, MACAULEY, and IDENTITY. The default value is ABS.
The value of IDENTITY can be used only if positiveExponent=1.0 and the potential exponent of the invoking behavior option is also 1.0 (i.e., the potential operator of the invoking behavior option must be SUM).
Return value
A ConnectorPotential object.
ValueError and TextError.
This method modifies the ConnectorPotential object.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
The optional arguments to setValues are the same as the arguments to the ConnectorPotential method.
Return value
The ConnectorPotential object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the ConnectorPotential method.
In addition, the ConnectorPotential object can have the following member:
A DerivedComponent object specifying the DerivedComponent used in the contribution. This argument is applicable only if componentStyle=DERIVED_COMPONENT.