The PDF documentation produces a higher quality printed copy than the HTML documentation. There are two methods for printing from the Abaqus PDF documentation:
Note: You cannot use an Adobe print driver to create a copy of the Abaqus PDF documentation. Although the books can be sent to a printer to produce a hard copy, the books are stored in an encrypted format that produces an error if the files are sent to an Adobe print driver.
You can use the print function in the PDF viewer to print one or more pages of the PDF documentation. To print selected sections of the guide, use the navigation controls and bookmarks to identify the starting and end page numbers in the PDF document, then specify the pages to be printed in the Print dialog box.
To print from a PDF book:
Select FilePrint from the main menu bar, or click the
icon on the toolbar.
The Print dialog box appears.
Specify the printing options.
All books in the Abaqus PDF collection except the Abaqus Scripting Reference Guide and the Abaqus GUI Toolkit Reference Guide contain a icon in the top left corner of each page that allows you to print a selected section without specifying a page range.
To print an entire section:
In the section you wish to print, click the icon on any page in the section.
In the dialog box that appears, confirm the printer you are using, the section number and title of the PDF section to be printed, and the page range of the section to be printed.
To print the section using the default settings, click Yes.
To select a different printer, click No and select the desired printer in the Print Setup dialog box.
To print a different section, click Cancel to cancel the print job, navigate to the appropriate section, and click the icon in that section.