The following commands operate on Session objects. For more information about the Session object, see “Session object,” Section 47.1.
import visualization
This method is used to perform stress linearization along a defined stress line.
Required arguments
A String specifying the name of the stress line.
A String specifying a part instance and a node belonging to that part instance, or a sequence of three Floats specifying the coordinates of a point.
A String specifying a part instance and a node belonging to that part instance, or a sequence of three Floats specifying the coordinates of a point.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the model shape to be used for obtaining coordinates of the intermediate points along the stress line. Possible values are UNDEFORMED and DEFORMED. When DEFORMED is selected, the deformation scale factor is always set to a uniform value of 1.0.
A sequence of Strings specifying the linearized stress components to be displayed in the xyPlot object. Possible values are "S11", "S22", "S33", "S12", "S23", and "S13".
Note: You must provide at least one of the components , xyMembraneComps , and xyBendingComps arguments.
A sequence of Strings specifying the linearized stress membrane components to be displayed in the xyPlot object. Possible values are "S11", "S22", "S33", "S12", "S23", and "S13".
A sequence of Strings specifying the linearized stress bending components to be displayed in the xyPlot object. Possible values are "S11", "S22", "S33", "S12", "S23", and "S13".
Optional arguments
A sequence of Strings specifying the linearized stress bending components to be included in the computation of the linearized stress invariants. Possible values are "S11", "S22", "S33", "S12", "S23", and "S13". The default value of the sequence includes all the possible values.
An Int specifying the number of equally-spaced intervals into which the stress line is to be divided. The default value is 40.
A Float specifying the in-plane radius of curvature of the center section along the stress line for axi-symmetric models. The default value is
A Float specifying the out-of-plane radius of curvature of the center section along the Stress Line for axi-symmetric models. The default value forces Abaqus to compute the radius of curvature.
A Boolean specifying whether the out-of-plane curvature correction should be applied for non-axisymmetric models when performing linearized stress computations. Curvature correction is always applied for axisymmetric models. The default value is OFF.
A String specifying the name of the user-defined local coordinate system to be used for computing the out-of-plane radius of curvature for non-axisymmetric models when curvatureCorrection =ON . The default value uses the global coordinate system to compute the out-of-plane radius of curvature.
A Boolean specifying whether to use the user-defined local coordinate system to compute the local stress line orientation for non-axisymmetric models when curvatureCorrection =ON and curvatureCsys is specified. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to save the xyData objects created during the stress linearization operation to the session. The default value is OFF .
A Boolean specifying whether to write the output from the stress linearization operation to a text file. The default value is ON .
A String specifying the report file name. The default value is “linearStress.rpt”.
A Boolean specifying whether to append output from the stress linearization to the text file specified by the reportFile argument. The default value is ON .
A Boolean specifying whether to create a Path object containing all the points used when performing the linearized stress computation. The default value is OFF . When this argument is set to ON , a Path object is created with the same name as that of the stress line and placed in the Path repository.
Return value
A list of xyData objects.
Text Error
Text Error
Text Error
This method is used to set the tolerance to be used when creating XYData objects by extracting results along Path objects. This command should be exercised with caution since setting a value too low or too high may result in getting no results or unpredictable results.
Required arguments
Optional argument
A Double specifying the tolerance. The default value is 0.00001.
Return value
This method is used to get the tolerance used when creating XYData objects by extracting results along Path objects.
Return value
A Double specifying the tolerance.
This method is used to set the limit for number of XY data objects while creating XYData from field output.
Required arguments
Optional argument
None or an Int specifying the limit for number of XY data objects. The default value is no limit
Return value
This method is used to get the limit for number of XY data objects while creating XYData from field output.
Return value
Int specifying the limit for number of XY data objects.