The OdbDiagnosticStep object stores step data.
import visualization session.odbData[name].diagnosticData.steps[i]
This method creates a temporary XYData object, with increments on the x-axis and requested output on the y-axis.
Required argument
An enum specifying the requested output variable for the data table. Possible enum values are NUM_ATTEMPTS (the number of attempts), NUM_SDI (the number of severe discontinuity iterations), NUM_EQI (the number of equivalent iterations), NUM_ITERS (the number of iterations), STEP_TIME (the cumulative step time until that increment) or INC_SIZE (the step time for each increment).
Optional arguments
Return value
The OdbDiagnosticStep object has the following members:
A Tuple of the status values. This attribute is read-only.
A float specifying the characteristic element length for the step. This attribute is read-only.
A repository of OdbContactDiagnostic objects.
A sequence of string specifying the explicit increment status. This attribute is read-only.
A String specifying the method (Linear or logarithmic) used for extrapolation. This attribute is read-only.
A String specifying the method of incrementation (Auto or fixed). This attribute is read-only.
An int specifying the number of completed increments. This attribute is read-only.
A repository of OdbDiagnosticIncrement objects.
A float specifying the initial increment size for the step. This attribute is read-only.
A boolean specifying whether or not the effects of geometric nonlinearities are considered. This attribute is read-only.
A boolean specifying whether or not the step is a perturbation step. This attribute is read-only.
A boolean specifying whether or not stabilization for the system in any form is considered. This attribute is read-only.
A boolean specifying whether the step is static riks. This attribute is read-only.
A boolean specifying whether the matrix storage is unsymmetric. This attribute is read-only.
A string specifying the method of solving (Direct or Iterative). This attribute is read-only.
An int specifying the maximum number of allowed increments in the step. This attribute is read-only.
A float specifying the size of the allowed maximum time increment in the step. This attribute is read-only.
A float specifying the size of the allowed minimum time increment in the step. This attribute is read-only.
A string specifying the name of the step. This attribute is read-only.
An int specifying the step number. This attribute is read-only.
An int specifying the number of contact diagnostics encountered. This attribute is read-only.
An int specifying the number of increments taken in the step to complete the solution. This attribute is read-only.
An int specifying the number of the explicit status. This attribute is read-only.
A float specifying the stabilize factor. This attribute is read-only.
A float specifying the time taken for the completion of the step. This attribute is read-only.
A float specifying the duration for the step. This attribute is read-only.