The BasicOptions object stores values and attributes associated with an OdbDisplay object. The BasicOptions object has no constructor command. Abaqus creates the defaultOdbDisplay.basicOptions member when you import the Visualization module. Abaqus creates a basicOptions member when it creates the OdbDisplay object, using the values from defaultOdbDisplay.basicOptions. Abaqus creates the odbDisplay member when a viewport is created, using the attributes from the previous active viewport. The previous active viewport contains the attributes from the defaultOdbDisplay object for the session. The attributes from the defaultOdbDisplay object are copied from the previous active viewport to create the new viewport.
BasicOptions objects are accessed in one of two ways:
The default basic options. These settings are used as defaults when other basicOptions members are created. These settings can be set to customize user preferences.
The basic options associated with a particular viewport.
import visualization session.defaultOdbDisplay.basicOptions session.viewports[name].layers[name].odbDisplay.basicOptions session.viewports[name].odbDisplay.basicOptions
This method modifies the BasicOptions object.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
A BasicOptions object from which values are to be copied. If other arguments are also supplied to setValues, they will override the values in options. The default value is None.
A String specifying the name of the coordinate system driving the moving camera.
A Boolean specifying whether the camera moves with the coordinate system. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether the camera, when it moves, follows the rotation of the coordinate system. The default value is OFF.
A Float specifying the nodal averaging threshold percentage. Possible values are 0
100. The default value is 75.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the quantity to plot. Possible values are FIELD_OUTPUT and DISCONTINUITIES. The default value is FIELD_OUTPUT.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the refinement level for drawing curves. Possible values are EXTRA_COARSE, COARSE, MEDIUM, FINE, and EXTRA_FINE. The default value is COARSE.
A String specifying the color of elements that do not have any results. The default value is "White".
A Float specifying the feature angle to be used when visibleEdges=FEATURE. The default value is 30.0.
An Int specifying the size of various glyph symbols (boundary conditions, coupling constraints, etc.). The default value is 6.
A Boolean specifying whether to render the beam profiles. The default value is OFF.
A Float specifying the beam profile scale factor. The beamScaleFactor must be greater than zero. The default value is 1.0.
A Boolean specifying whether to render the shell thickness. The default value is OFF.
A Float specifying the shell thickness scale factor. The shellScaleFactor must be greater than zero. The default value is 1.0.
A Boolean specifying whether to account for deactivated elements. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display boundary conditions. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display connectors. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to highlight connector points. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display connector orientations or coordinate systems. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display the text that describes the connector type. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display point type elements. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display reference points. referencePoints is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display mass, heat capacity and inertia elements. massElements is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display spring and dashpot elements. springElements is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display spot weld and distributed coupling elements. spotWelds is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display tracer particles. tracerParticles is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display PC3D elements. pc3dElements is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display PD3D elements. pd3dElements is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to sweep the analytical surfaces. The default value is ON or OFF, depending on the characteristics of your model.
A Boolean specifying whether to sweep the deformable elements. The default value is ON or OFF, depending on the characteristics of your model.
A Float specifying the starting angle (in degrees) from which to sweep the analytical surfaces when sweepArs=ON. The default value is 0.0.
A Float specifying the starting angle (in degrees) from which to sweep the model when sweepElem=ON. The default value is 0.0.
A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) through which to sweep the analytical surfaces when sweepArs=ON. The default value is 360.0.
A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) through which to sweep the model when sweepElem=ON. The default value is 180.0.
An Int specifying the number of segments to display when sweepArs=ON. The default value is 10 or 20, depending on characteristics of your model.
An Int specifying the number of segments to display when sweepElem=ON. The default value is 10 or 20, depending on characteristics of your model.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the numeric form in which to display results that contain complex numbers. Possible values are COMPLEX_MAGNITUDE, COMPLEX_PHASE, REAL, IMAGINARY, and COMPLEX_MAG_AT_ANGLE. The default value is REAL.
A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) at which to display results that contain complex numbers when numericForm=COMPLEX_MAG_AT_ANGLE. The default value is 0.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying which of the section points to use. Possible values are USE_BOTTOM, USE_TOP, USE_BOTTOM_AND_TOP, and USE_ENVELOPE. The default value is USE_BOTTOM.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the envelope criterion. Possible values are MAX_VALUE, MIN_VALUE, and MAX_ABS_VALUE. The default value is MAX_ABS_VALUE.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the output position for envelope calculations. Possible values are CENTROID, ELEMENT_NODAL, and INTEGRATION_POINT. The default value is INTEGRATION_POINT.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the ply result location. Possible values are BOTTOM, MIDDLE, TOP, and TOP_AND_BOTTOM. The default value is MIDDLE.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the section point scheme. Possible values are CATEGORY_BASED and PLY_BASED. The default value is CATEGORY_BASED.
A Boolean specifying whether to sweep the cyclic symmetry sectors. The default value is OFF.
A SymbolicConstant specifying how sectors will be selected for sweeping. Possible values are SELECT_BY_NUMBER, SELECT_BY_ANGLE, and SELECT_ALL. The default value is SELECT_BY_NUMBER.
A sequence of Ints specifying which sectors to display when sectorSelectionType=SELECT_BY_NUMBER. Possible values are 1
the number of sectors. The default value is (1).
A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) from which to sweep cyclic symmetry sectors when sweepSectors=ON. Possible values are multiples of the sector angle such that 0
360. The default value is 0.0.
A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) through which to sweep cyclic symmetry sectors when sweepSectors=ON. Possible values are multiples of the sector angle such that 0
360. The default value is 360.0.
A Boolean specifying whether to extrude analytical surfaces. The default value is ON or OFF depending on characteristics of your model.
A Boolean specifying whether to use automatic depth determination when extruding analytical surfaces. The default value is ON. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to extrude deformable elements. The default value is ON or OFF depending on characteristics of your model.
A Float specifying the depth (in model units) by which the analytical surfaces are to be extruded when extrudeArs=ON. The default value is 1.0.
A Float specifying the depth (in model units) by which the deformable elements are to be extruded when extrudeElem=ON. The default value is 1.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the order of operations to create the mirror pattern. Possible values are MIRROR_RECT_CIRC, RECT_MIRROR_CIRC, MIRROR_CIRC_RECT, RECT_CIRC_MIRROR, CIRC_MIRROR_RECT, and CIRC_RECT_MIRROR. The default value is MIRROR_RECT_CIRC.
The SymbolicConstant GLOBAL or a String specifying the name of the mirror's coordinate system. The default value is GLOBAL.
A Boolean specifying whether to mirror about the XY plane. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to mirror about the XZ plane. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to mirror about the YZ plane. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to mirror display bodies. The default value is OFF.
The SymbolicConstant GLOBAL or a String specifying the name of the pattern's coordinate system. The default value is GLOBAL.
An Int specifying the number of patterns to create in the X-direction for a rectangular pattern. The default value is 1.
An Int specifying the number of patterns to create in the Y-direction for a rectangular pattern. The default value is 1.
An Int specifying the number of patterns to create in the Z-direction for a rectangular pattern. The default value is 1.
A Float specifying the offset of the pattern along the X-axis for a rectangular pattern. The default value is 0.0.
A Float specifying the offset of the pattern along the Y-axis for a rectangular pattern. The default value is 0.0.
A Float specifying the offset of the pattern along the Z-axis for a rectangular pattern. The default value is 0.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of rotation for a circular. Possible values are XAXIS, YAXIS, and ZAXIS. The default value is ZAXIS.
A Float specifying the total angle of a circular pattern. The default value is 360.0.
An Int specifying the number of patterns to create in a circular pattern. The default value is 1.
A Boolean specifying whether to display coupling constraints. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display coordinate systems. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display coordinate systems that represent user-defined orientations. The default value is OFF.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the transformation to apply to the PrimaryVariable. Possible values are DEFAULT, NODAL, USER_SPECIFIED, ANGULAR, and LAYUP_ORIENTATION. The default value is DEFAULT.
If transformationType=NODAL, Abaqus will transform nodal vector fields into any orientation defined in the analysis with the *TRANSFORM option. Setting transformationType=NODAL has no effect on element-based results.
If transformationType=USER_SPECIFIED, Abaqus will transform tensor and vector fields into the coordinate system specified by datumCsys.
If transformationType=LAYUP_ORIENTATION, Abaqus will transform tensor and vector fields into the layup orientation defined in the composite section. The odb should contain the field SORIENT in order to use this option.
A DatumCsys object specifying the coordinate system to use for results transformation when transformationType=USER_SPECIFIED.
A Boolean specifying whether to perform a rigid transformation of nodal vector datasets based on the active user specific system The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to perform a rigid transformation of current deformedVariable based on the active user specific system The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to include the effects of deformation on the transformation calculations The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to average the element output. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to average only values on displayed elements. The default value is ON.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the order or the computations to be performed. Possible values are EXTRAPOLATE_AVERAGE_COMPUTE, EXTRAPOLATE_COMPUTE_AVERAGE, EXTRAPOLATE_COMPUTE, EXTRAPOLATE_COMPUTE_DISCONTINUITIES, and RAW_DATA. The default value is EXTRAPOLATE_AVERAGE_COMPUTE.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of averaging region boundaries. Possible values are NONE, ODB_REGIONS, ELEMENT_SET, and DISPLAY_GROUPS. The default value is ODB_REGIONS.
A Boolean specifying whether to use region boundaries when averaging. The default value is ON.
A sequence of Strings specifying either element set or display group names (depending on the value of regionBoundaries) defining the averaging region boundaries. The default value is an empty sequence.
A Boolean specifying whether to include additional averaging boundaries for shells and membranes based on feature edges. The default value is ON.
Return value
If featureAngle is not in the valid range:
The BasicOptions object can have the following members:
A Boolean specifying whether to ignore region boundaries when computing values. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether the camera moves with the coordinate system. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether the camera, when it moves, follows the rotation of the coordinate system. The default value is OFF.
A Float specifying the nodal averaging threshold percentage. Possible values are 0
100. The default value is 75.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the quantity to plot. Possible values are FIELD_OUTPUT and DISCONTINUITIES. The default value is FIELD_OUTPUT.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the extrapolation algorithm. This member is for internal use only. The only possible value is EXTRAP_COMPUTE_AVERAGE.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the refinement level for drawing curves. Possible values are EXTRA_COARSE, COARSE, MEDIUM, FINE, and EXTRA_FINE. The default value is COARSE.
A Float specifying the feature angle to be used when visibleEdges=FEATURE. The default value is 30.0.
An Int specifying the size of various glyph symbols (boundary conditions, coupling constraints, etc.). The default value is 6.
A Boolean specifying whether to render the beam profiles. The default value is OFF.
A Float specifying the beam profile scale factor. The beamScaleFactor must be greater than zero. The default value is 1.0.
A Boolean specifying whether to render the shell thickness. The default value is OFF.
A Float specifying the shell thickness scale factor. The shellScaleFactor must be greater than zero. The default value is 1.0.
A Boolean specifying whether to account for deactivated elements. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display boundary conditions. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display connectors. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to highlight connector points. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display connector orientations or coordinate systems. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display the text that describes the connector type. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display point type elements. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display reference points. referencePoints is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display mass, heat capacity and inertia elements. massElements is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display spring and dashpot elements. springElements is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display spot weld and distributed coupling elements. spotWelds is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display tracer particles. tracerParticles is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display PC3D elements. pc3dElements is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display PD3D elements. pd3dElements is valid only when pointElements=ON. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to sweep the analytical surfaces. The default value is ON or OFF, depending on the characteristics of your model.
A Boolean specifying whether to sweep the deformable elements. The default value is ON or OFF, depending on the characteristics of your model.
A Float specifying the starting angle (in degrees) from which to sweep the analytical surfaces when sweepArs=ON. The default value is 0.0.
A Float specifying the starting angle (in degrees) from which to sweep the model when sweepElem=ON. The default value is 0.0.
A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) through which to sweep the analytical surfaces when sweepArs=ON. The default value is 360.0.
A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) through which to sweep the model when sweepElem=ON. The default value is 180.0.
An Int specifying the number of segments to display when sweepArs=ON. The default value is 10 or 20, depending on characteristics of your model.
An Int specifying the number of segments to display when sweepElem=ON. The default value is 10 or 20, depending on characteristics of your model.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the numeric form in which to display results that contain complex numbers. Possible values are COMPLEX_MAGNITUDE, COMPLEX_PHASE, REAL, IMAGINARY, and COMPLEX_MAG_AT_ANGLE. The default value is REAL.
A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) at which to display results that contain complex numbers when numericForm=COMPLEX_MAG_AT_ANGLE. The default value is 0.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying which of the section points to use. Possible values are USE_BOTTOM, USE_TOP, USE_BOTTOM_AND_TOP, and USE_ENVELOPE. The default value is USE_BOTTOM.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the envelope criterion. Possible values are MAX_VALUE, MIN_VALUE, and MAX_ABS_VALUE. The default value is MAX_ABS_VALUE.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the output position for envelope calculations. Possible values are CENTROID, ELEMENT_NODAL, and INTEGRATION_POINT. The default value is INTEGRATION_POINT.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the ply result location. Possible values are BOTTOM, MIDDLE, TOP, and TOP_AND_BOTTOM. The default value is MIDDLE.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the section point scheme. Possible values are CATEGORY_BASED and PLY_BASED. The default value is CATEGORY_BASED.
A Boolean specifying whether to sweep the cyclic symmetry sectors. The default value is OFF.
A SymbolicConstant specifying how sectors will be selected for sweeping. Possible values are SELECT_BY_NUMBER, SELECT_BY_ANGLE, and SELECT_ALL. The default value is SELECT_BY_NUMBER.
A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) from which to sweep cyclic symmetry sectors when sweepSectors=ON. Possible values are multiples of the sector angle such that 0
360. The default value is 0.0.
A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) through which to sweep cyclic symmetry sectors when sweepSectors=ON. Possible values are multiples of the sector angle such that 0
360. The default value is 360.0.
A Boolean specifying whether to extrude analytical surfaces. The default value is ON or OFF depending on characteristics of your model.
A Boolean specifying whether to use automatic depth determination when extruding analytical surfaces. The default value is ON. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to extrude deformable elements. The default value is ON or OFF depending on characteristics of your model.
A Float specifying the depth (in model units) by which the analytical surfaces are to be extruded when extrudeArs=ON. The default value is 1.0.
A Float specifying the depth (in model units) by which the deformable elements are to be extruded when extrudeElem=ON. The default value is 1.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the order of operations to create the mirror pattern. Possible values are MIRROR_RECT_CIRC, RECT_MIRROR_CIRC, MIRROR_CIRC_RECT, RECT_CIRC_MIRROR, CIRC_MIRROR_RECT, and CIRC_RECT_MIRROR. The default value is MIRROR_RECT_CIRC.
A Boolean specifying whether to mirror about the XY plane. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to mirror about the XZ plane. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to mirror about the YZ plane. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to mirror display bodies. The default value is OFF.
An Int specifying the number of patterns to create in the X-direction for a rectangular pattern. The default value is 1.
An Int specifying the number of patterns to create in the Y-direction for a rectangular pattern. The default value is 1.
An Int specifying the number of patterns to create in the Z-direction for a rectangular pattern. The default value is 1.
A Float specifying the offset of the pattern along the X-axis for a rectangular pattern. The default value is 0.0.
A Float specifying the offset of the pattern along the Y-axis for a rectangular pattern. The default value is 0.0.
A Float specifying the offset of the pattern along the Z-axis for a rectangular pattern. The default value is 0.0.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of rotation for a circular. Possible values are XAXIS, YAXIS, and ZAXIS. The default value is ZAXIS.
A Float specifying the total angle of a circular pattern. The default value is 360.0.
An Int specifying the number of patterns to create in a circular pattern. The default value is 1.
A Boolean specifying whether to display coupling constraints. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to display coordinate systems. The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to display coordinate systems that represent user-defined orientations. The default value is OFF.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the transformation to apply to the PrimaryVariable. Possible values are DEFAULT, NODAL, USER_SPECIFIED, ANGULAR, and LAYUP_ORIENTATION. The default value is DEFAULT.
If transformationType=NODAL, Abaqus will transform nodal vector fields into any orientation defined in the analysis with the *TRANSFORM option. Setting transformationType=NODAL has no effect on element-based results.
If transformationType=USER_SPECIFIED, Abaqus will transform tensor and vector fields into the coordinate system specified by datumCsys.
If transformationType=LAYUP_ORIENTATION, Abaqus will transform tensor and vector fields into the layup orientation defined in the composite section. The odb should contain the field SORIENT in order to use this option.
A Boolean specifying whether to perform a rigid transformation of nodal vector datasets based on the active user specific system The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to perform a rigid transformation of current deformedVariable based on the active user specific system The default value is OFF.
A Boolean specifying whether to include the effects of deformation on the transformation calculations The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether the model contains any elements or surfaces that can be extruded.
An Int specifying the types of sweepable elements and surfaces contained in the model, if any.
A Boolean specifying whether to average the element output. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to average only values on displayed elements. The default value is ON.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of averaging region boundaries. Possible values are NONE, ODB_REGIONS, ELEMENT_SET, and DISPLAY_GROUPS. The default value is ODB_REGIONS.
A Boolean specifying whether to use region boundaries when averaging. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to include additional averaging boundaries for shells and membranes based on feature edges. The default value is ON.
An Int specifying the number of sectors of a cyclic symmetric model. The value is automatically computed from the cyclic symmetric model. This value is read-only.
A Float specifying the sector angle of a cyclic symmetric model. The value is automatically computed from the cyclic symmetric model. This value is read-only.
A Float specifying the automatic extrude depth used to extrude analytical rigid surfaces in the default setting. This value is read-only.
A String specifying the name of the coordinate system driving the moving camera.
A String specifying the color of elements that do not have any results. The default value is "White".
The SymbolicConstant GLOBAL or a String specifying the name of the mirror's coordinate system. The default value is GLOBAL.
The SymbolicConstant GLOBAL or a String specifying the name of the pattern's coordinate system. The default value is GLOBAL.
A DatumCsys object specifying the coordinate system to use for results transformation when transformationType=USER_SPECIFIED.
A tuple of Ints specifying which sectors to display when sectorSelectionType=SELECT_BY_NUMBER. Possible values are 1
the number of sectors. The default value is (1).
A tuple of Strings specifying either element set or display group names (depending on the value of regionBoundaries) defining the averaging region boundaries. The default value is an empty sequence.