The FieldBulkData object represents the entire field data for a class of elements or nodes. All elements in a class correspond to the same element type and material.
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name]\ .bulkDataBlocks[i]
The FieldBulkData object can have the following members:
A SymbolicConstant specifying the position of the output in the element. Possible values are:
NODAL, specifying the values calculated at the nodes.
INTEGRATION_POINT, specifying the values calculated at the integration points.
ELEMENT_NODAL, specifying the values obtained by extrapolating results calculated at the integration points.
CENTROID, specifying the value at the centroid obtained by extrapolating results calculated at the integration points.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the output type. Possible values are SCALAR, VECTOR, TENSOR_3D_FULL, TENSOR_3D_PLANAR, TENSOR_3D_SURFACE, TENSOR_2D_PLANAR, and TENSOR_2D_SURFACE.
An OdbInstance object specifying the part to which the labels belong.
A SectionPoint object specifying the section point number of the current block of data.
A sequence of Ints specifying the element labels of the elements in the block. elementLabels is valid only if position=INTEGRATION_POINT, CENTROID, ELEMENT_NODAL, or ELEMENT_FACE.
A sequence of Ints specifying the node labels of the nodes in the block. nodelabels is valid only if position=ELEMENT_NODAL or NODAL.
A sequence of Strings specifying the component labels.
A sequence of Ints specifying the integration points in the elements in the block. integrationPoints is available only if position=INTEGRATION_POINT.
A tuple of Floats specifying data in the form described by type. If type=TENSOR or VECTOR, data is a sequence containing the components for each element or node in the block. If the underlying data are in double precision, an exception will be thrown.
A tuple of Floats specifying data in the form described by type. If type=TENSOR or VECTOR, conjugateData is a sequence containing the imaginary part of the components for each element or node in the block. If the underlying data are in double precision, an exception will be thrown.
A sequence of Floats specifying the calculated von Mises stress at each output location in the block of element data, or NULL. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MISES; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
A pointer to an array of Floats specifying the quaternion representing the local coordinate system at each output location. The quaternion is returned in the form
which is the reverse of that shown in “Rotation variables,” Section 1.3.1 of the Abaqus Theory Guide. localCoordSystem is available only for TENSOR data written in a local coordinate system. If the underlying data are in double precision, an exception will be thrown.