The AnimationOptions object is used to store values and attributes associated with an AnimationController object.
The AnimationOptions object has no constructor command. Abaqus creates the animationOptions member when it creates the AnimationController object.
import animation session.animationController.animationOptions
This method modifies the AnimationOptions object.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
A SymbolicConstant specifying the animation mode. Possible values are PLAY_ONCE, LOOP, LOOP_BACKWARD, and SWING. The default value is LOOP.
An Int specifying the animation rate in frames/second. Possible values are 1
100. The default value is 50.
A Boolean specifying whether to show the frame counter. The default value is ON.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the relative scaling when the AnimationController object's animationType=SCALE_FACTOR or HARMONIC. Possible values are FULL_CYCLE and HALF_CYCLE. The default value is HALF_CYCLE.
An Int specifying the number of frames to be used when the AnimationController object's animationType=SCALE_FACTOR or HARMONIC. The default value is 7.
A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the time history animation is time based or frame based. Possible values are FRAME_BASED and TIME_BASED. The default value is FRAME_BASED.
A Float specifying the maximum time for time based time history animation when maxTimeAutoCompute = False.
A Boolean specifying whether the animation maximum time value should be computed from the active frames when timeHistoryMode is set to TIME_BASED. The default value is ON.
A Float specifying the minimum time for time based time history animation when minTimeAutoCompute = False.
A Boolean specifying whether the animation minimum time value should be computed from the active frames when timeHistoryMode is set to TIME_BASED. The default value is ON.
A Float specifying the time increment for frame selection when timeHistoryMode is set to TIME_BASED.
A Boolean specifying whether to use the highlight method to draw the time tracker line and symbols. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to show the time tracker line. The default value is ON.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the X–Y time tracker line style. Possible values are SOLID, DASHED, DOTTED, and DOT_DASH. The default value is SOLID.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the X–Y time tracker line thickness. Possible values are VERY_THIN, THIN, MEDIUM, and THICK. The default value is MEDIUM.
A String specifying the color used to plot the X–Y time tracker line when xyUseHighlightMethod = False. The default value is "Yellow".
A Boolean specifying whether to show the time tracker symbols. The default value is ON.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the marker type to be used for all animation capable X–Y curve or the SymbolicConstant DEFAULT specifying that the system will take the marker associated to each curve Possible values are:
The default value is DEFAULT.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the size of the markers. Possible values are SMALL, MEDIUM, and LARGE. The default value is MEDIUM.
A String specifying the color used to plot X–Y time tracker symbols when xyUseHighlightMethod = False. When setting the color to 'Default' the system will take the color associated to each curve. The default value is "Default".
Return value
The AnimationOptions object can have the following members:
A SymbolicConstant specifying the animation mode. Possible values are PLAY_ONCE, LOOP, LOOP_BACKWARD, and SWING. The default value is LOOP.
An Int specifying the animation rate in frames/second. Possible values are 1
100. The default value is 50.
A Boolean specifying whether to show the frame counter. The default value is ON.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the relative scaling when the AnimationController object's animationType=SCALE_FACTOR or HARMONIC. Possible values are FULL_CYCLE and HALF_CYCLE. The default value is HALF_CYCLE.
An Int specifying the number of frames to be used when the AnimationController object's animationType=SCALE_FACTOR or HARMONIC. The default value is 7.
A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the time history animation is time based or frame based. Possible values are FRAME_BASED and TIME_BASED. The default value is FRAME_BASED.
A Float specifying the maximum time for time based time history animation when maxTimeAutoCompute = False.
A Boolean specifying whether the animation maximum time value should be computed from the active frames when timeHistoryMode is set to TIME_BASED. The default value is ON.
A Float specifying the maximum time when timeHistoryMode is set to TIME_BASED and the maxTimeAutoCompute value is True. This value is computed as the maximum time of all active frames displayed in viewports where the animation is active.
A Float specifying the minimum time for time based time history animation when minTimeAutoCompute = False.
A Boolean specifying whether the animation minimum time value should be computed from the active frames when timeHistoryMode is set to TIME_BASED. The default value is ON.
A Float specifying the minimum time when timeHistoryMode is set to TIME_BASED and the minTimeAutoCompute value is True. This value is computed as the minimum time of all active frames displayed in viewports where the animation is active.
A Float specifying the time increment for frame selection when timeHistoryMode is set to TIME_BASED.
A Boolean specifying whether to use the highlight method to draw the time tracker line and symbols. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether to show the time tracker line. The default value is ON.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the X–Y time tracker line style. Possible values are SOLID, DASHED, DOTTED, and DOT_DASH. The default value is SOLID.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the X–Y time tracker line thickness. Possible values are VERY_THIN, THIN, MEDIUM, and THICK. The default value is MEDIUM.
A Boolean specifying whether to show the time tracker symbols. The default value is ON.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the marker type to be used for all animation capable X–Y curve or the SymbolicConstant DEFAULT specifying that the system will take the marker associated to each curve Possible values are:
The default value is DEFAULT.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the size of the markers. Possible values are SMALL, MEDIUM, and LARGE. The default value is MEDIUM.
A String specifying the color used to plot the X–Y time tracker line when xyUseHighlightMethod = False. The default value is "Yellow".
A String specifying the color used to plot X–Y time tracker symbols when xyUseHighlightMethod = False. When setting the color to 'Default' the system will take the color associated to each curve. The default value is "Default".