If a quasi-static analysis is performed in its natural time scale, the solution should be nearly the same as a truly static solution.
It is often necessary to use load rate scaling or mass scaling to obtain a quasi-static solution using less CPU time.
The loading rate often can be increased somewhat, as long as the solution does not localize. If the loading rate is increased too much, inertial forces adversely affect the solution.
Mass scaling is an alternative to increasing the loading rate. When using rate-dependent materials, mass scaling is preferable because increasing the loading rate artificially changes the material properties.
In a static analysis the lowest modes of the structure dominate the response. Knowing the lowest natural frequency and, correspondingly, the period of the lowest mode, you can estimate the time required to obtain the proper static response.
It may be necessary to run a series of analyses at varying loading rates to determine an acceptable loading rate.
The kinetic energy of the deforming material should not exceed a small fraction (typically 5% to 10%) of the internal energy throughout most of the simulation.
Using a smooth step amplitude curve is the most efficient way to prescribe displacements in a quasi-static analysis.
Import the model from Abaqus/Explicit to Abaqus/Standard to perform an efficient springback analysis.